Anti termite check list pdf free download, anti termite treatment

Anti-termite treatment is a chemical procedure that is applied to soil, masonry, wood, and electrical fixtures before and after construction to provide a chemical barrier against subterranean termites.

Anti-Termite Chemicals

Chemicals that are anti-termite
According to Indian Standards (IS 6313 Part-3) the chemicals used for anti-termite treatment in buildings are:

  • 20 EC chlorpyrifos
  • 20 EC lindane
The chemicals listed above are used in a water emulsion for soil treatment in order to protect a structure from termite attack. For the treatment of wood, a 1.0 percent concentration of the mentioned chemicals in an oil or kerosene-based solution is used.

Advantages of Anti-Termite Treatment

  • It provides immediate termite, rodent, and pest protection to any structure.
  • It lasts for a long time.
  • It eliminates the problem of termites entering the house through gaps in the protection barrier.
  • When compared to other types of termite control, liquid termiticides are relatively inexpensive.  

Disadvantages of Anti-Termite Treatment

  • In areas near waterways or wetlands, anti-termite treatment can lead to water contamination.
  • Drilling or concrete may be required in areas where termites have been found, reducing the strength of the member or structure.
  • Any slight omission or omission of a portion can result in future infestation problems.
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